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[[insertion from left page]] 26 continued [[/insertion from left page]]
Dec 18 We go up to Deirout to chance finding the boat and succeed finally 
What the ladies have to say I hear but think they have written somewhere - Certainly they must have been worried - I knew nothing about moving the boat until after we were in the train for Assuit except that Dowie said that if "there was a good wind the Capt would move the boat farther up to a better place & nearer the Station & that he would leave word at the telegraph office 
[[insertion from left page]] 27 no crew 15 miles Umm El Ousel wind fair [[/insertion from left page]]
Wednesday Dec 19 - [[strikethrough]] Deirout [[/strikethrough]] - Umm El Ousal 
It seems that the wind being good the Reis took the liberty without consultation to start the boat with practically no crew - left no word at the Station - but was in hopes to reach Deirout in time to telegraph us at Assuit of the change - but unfortunately he got on a sand bar just before reacing the shore - which when reached he rushed up to the R R Station in hopes to get us out of the Cars there - but he was too late - a miscalculation & misadventure. 11.15 am we start from there and make about 18 miles