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A still windless day partly cloudy and warm.
Joe painted at Karnak in the morning. walked there and back for variety in less than half an hour each way.
After a very big mid day meal - [in honor of the day] went over to Luxor again and at 5. had finished the picture of the priest of Mut. in the temple - and went with Grandpa to an antiquity shop. to see a piece of hieroglyphic. which we saw the other day and had been bargaining for - our repeated offer of one pound £. was accepted and we came away with the prize under Joe's arm - a present from Corinna - [the asking price was two pounds].
The steam dahabeyah of the Monds arrived to-day.
Corinna took both babies over to Luxor hotel this morning to say good bye to the Hoopers who left for Assouan. at 2.30 by Post boat.
Grandpa made a sleigh to-day. for the babies out of a soap box. barrel staves and brains - and Joe and Shaihi dragged them about in the sand at sunset time. great fun for everyone.
     In the dusk we saw a big dahabeyah stealing up through the mist, which has come at sundown - the last few nights. Dowe says she belongs to Prof Sayce.
The other big boat the Ammon Ra. left this afternoon for Assouan.

Transcription Notes:
His use of periods is quirky, to say the least.