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Clouds sunshine and very hot to-day
Work went on at Karnak this morning. and a small head in sunlight. in the interior walls of the marble sanctuary was finished
A water color was begun in the afternoon in Luxor temple. a figure of Rameses.
Corinna and Joe went [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] to make a call on the Mond's this afternoon, and found them both aboard their boat.
Dowé received a telegram today from Amam. [his brother at Philoe] saying the little boat we sent for had been sent. and we shall begin to look for her on some big felouka. tomorrow or the day after.
The painter went as usual to Karnak and worked all the morning.
Shaihi decorated the Theban side of the river. with the wash - which made a gay sight flying from our wash lines.
Mr. Mond called this morning with his little girl Frieda. who made friends with our kids at once
In the afternoon Grandmother Corrina and Rebecca went on donkeys over to call on the Quibells. and found them both at home.  it was the little girls first real donkey ride and she did very well. and enjoyed herself greatly.
Work went on at Luxor temple as usual. after luncheon Grandpa subscribed to the library. at Luxor Hotel this afternoon and took out two books - ordered a new galibeah for Shaihi this morning.