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[[preprinted]] 31 [[/preprinted]] WEDNESDAY JAN 4TH K means Karnak, and L means Luxor temple, and these two letters will hereafter, be used in this journal, when the painter has worked in those temples. The canvas, ordered by Mr. Ogilvie in Cairo, came this afternoon, at any rate we got it to-day, so tomorrow the painter can begin his large picture, of the procession of priests, on the sanctuary of Philip at Karnak. Corinna and Joe, took tea with Prof Sayce on his dahabeyh this afternoon, and returned to our boat later to find an Arab caller - a teacher from the American Mission School - come to make arrangements about giving Mrs. Quibell and Corrina lessons in Arabic. The little Mond girl came this morning with her French maid to play with our babies. Grandma none the worse for her long donkey back excursion of yesterday, went over to Luxor temple and had it all to herself this morning while Dowé went to market. Grandpa goes with Dowé on these occasions and is rapidly learning the business of dragoman. The tent was taken down to-day and washed, and tomorrow we shall present a more godly appearance. THURSDAY JAN 5TH K AND L. Corinna went with Joe this morning and studied Arabic, under the scaffolding, while the painter worked above, on it. we met M. Legrand, who was very pleasant and entertaining. Telling us some amusing stories about the thieving which goes on - at Karnak, and how people have to be watched - people who know better.
Transcription Notes:
Commas being used as breaks rather than periods when placed in the sentence itself.