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Jeannette, Golly, Cinie, Shaihi and Abdalla came into the temple to stop Papa from working any more - at five oclock. and back across the river  we all came to the dahabeyah - to find Mr and Mrs Quibell calling. and soon after Prof. Sayce came over from his boat and made a call too.
Mrs Quibell spoke very enthusiastically about the piece of stone. we bought the other day. and said it was a fine piece. XXVI dynasty.
Today we are made acquainted with the fact that the little boat coming to us from Amam. at Shelall, is being rowed down to Luxor. by a single Arab. - so that days may pass before he turns up.
Grandpa and Dowé look up the river every morning. with hope.
Bedoui Fadill - our old landlord of the Ameer el- Wrz. seems to be our guest. at least. a guest of our Captain and Crew - he spent last night on the boat asked. for an eye wash - said good bye to all - departed for Assouan and to-night is sitting comfortably beside the dish of live coals on our deck again.
To day we heard that Port Arthur had fallen
[[in very large capital letters]] BANZAI [[/in very large captial letters]]
Wrote to Baron Kaneko congratulating him on the great victory of his countrymen.