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the shops near Cooks landing stages. and Rebecca did some bargaining for some beads and other trinkets. all laid out in most tempting array by the roadside.
Corinna and Mrs. Quibell took their Arabic lesson. this afternoon and later had tea and Mr. Mond. fresh from tomb digging joined us all. and made a very interesting call. The Marquis Rudins came to Karnak this morning.
Most of our men gone to an Arab theatre this evening and no sounds on deck of the dominoes being shuffled about.
It transpires that Reis Ali - is brother. to the Shelall owner of the dahabeyah which is of course a great surprise - Dowé says he told us this fact. the day we sailed but in the excitement of departure from Elephantine - his information made no impression on us.
A cable this morning from Amy Lowell. telling the subjects she wants painted.
A steam dahabeyah went down river this afternoon and saluted - she had an American flag at the bow - and has been four days or more here at Luxor - there are two others flying the flag. still here, one of them we believe hired by Mr. Archer Livingstone of New York. friends of Corinna's. Dowé is to find out to-night.
Joe and Rebecca and Jeannette went to Karnak this morning with Dowé, Alobe and Yaaseen.  - and Rebecca was stopped at the entrance of the temple by a stupid or over zealous guardian who demanded her "temple ticket"  we had quite a long parley. to bring him to reason. and the letter from Maspero had to be shown him [which he confessed he was unable to read]. meanwhile the little  scamp had run in by herself.