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[[preprinted]] 47 [[/preprinted]] and was seeing all she could before being put out. She was immensely interested in the little boys who carry the baskets in the excavations. and they also in her - and work was almost brought to a standstill. so that we had to retire - Jeannette took her home. after we had all walked around a while and the "Amy Lowell picture" was painted on - Corinna came about 12. by donkey. and a cooked a nice luncheon - hot soup and scrambled eggs - and then we put in a long afternoon of work - she Arabic and French and the painter on his picture. Mrs. Dexter and Mrs. Beals appeared this morning. in Ibrahim's tow - [Anglo-American Line [[underlined]] SS [[/underlined]] Victoria, arrived last night]. A good West wind brought us home. in the small boat in 35 minutes. where a warm welcome awaited us. from [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] small kids Received photograph of fine cufic inscription for sale in Granada - $1000 - Dowé brought in his pink galabeah which came from Mecca - and put it on the painter this evening. and with a Tarbrush on. he made a salute to the crew who called him Effendi. Everybody went to mosque to-day except Reis Ali. Books came to-day from Harry and Belle Greene and an Arabic grammar. Beautiful day. with fine mottled. cloudy sky - Finished Amy Lowell's picture.
Transcription Notes:
The notation of: ^[[text]] is used to indicate handwritten text in a mostly typed document. It isn't used in handwritten documents.