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where we had lunch.
Back to the dahabeyah early in the afternoon - .
This morning Mr. Davis' big boat. the "Bedouin"  came up. and two other dahabeyah's - one of them occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Longfellow. and Miss Hale and Mrs. Perkins.
K and L
Mother and Joe. Alobe and Yaaseen. went to Karnak in the "Rebecca and Frances"
It is the most charming way to go. and takes me there in about the same time as tho I went from Luxor by donkey.
Corinna and Mother and both babies called on Mr. and Mrs. Longfellow and Mrs. Perkins and Miss Hale in the afternoon.
Mrs. Quibell took luncheon with us to-day.
Our second food supply came to-day from Fleurents. Cairo.
Another big dahabeyah came up just after sunset. the second one to-day. there is also a new steam dahabeyah - flying our flag. the shores both sides of the Nile are lined with boats. presenting. a very gay appearance.
Work went on at Karnak in the morning and Luxor temple in the afternoon.
Mrs. Mond made a long call on Mother and Corinna this morning
Joe called on Mrs. Andrews on Mr. Davis' boat the "Bedouin" and Corinna and he. dined out. with the Longfellows.  Corinna went with Mrs. Saunders to