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[[start page]] The daily expenditures of the household. are kept in Arabic and Corinna and Dowé and Yaaseen or Alobe have quite a time together getting it all settled up. and then Corinna puts it down in her account book. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 53 [[/preprinted]] the Quibells to tea. Dowé has a bad cold and seems quite miserable WEDNESDAY JAN 18TH Another most beautiful day. Grandpa and Corinna went with Joe to Karnak this morning. where he met Prof. and Mrs. Fergusson and Miss Vaughan of Cambridge. In the afternoon Georgie Lee and her husband made their appearance in Luxor temple [having arrived to day at one oclock from Assouan by steamer]. Mother and Joe took tea with them at the Luxor hotel late in the afternoon in the garden. Corinna and Mrs Quibell had their battle with Arabic handwriting Miss Vaughan and her party came over to night and made a call on us. Fine moonlight. Dowé still under the weather. but better than he was last night. The Monds boat has been moved from the position near the German Villa. and is now opposite us just below the Grand Hotel. THURSDAY JAN 19TH Perfect day. and a wonderful sunset. Work went on as usual at Karnak. and the painter was brought back to Luxor by the Lees who afterwards came to the boat. to luncheon. Mr. Theodore Davis called this morning. Corinna and Mrs Lee went with Mrs Saunders went to the gymkana meeting and afterwards took tea at Luxor hotel. Dowé much better.