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K and L
Big Anglo American crowd at Karnak this mornin. a poor helpless aimless seeming herd of people - all looking here - now there . now the other way at command
Same crowd. somewhat thinned out. came to Luxor in the afternoon after their tea on the boat.
Corinna and Joe lunched at the Grand Hotel with the Fergussons and Miss Vaughn. and in the evening Grandpa. Grandma and Joe. went to dine with the Lees at the Luxor Hotel.
A Heavenly moonlight night.
The Fergussons - Miss Vaughn - Mrs Andrews  and her niece called this afternoon and took tea.
The artist took a day off and went with Jim Lee.  to the tombs of the Kings to-day.
Mrs. Quibell came this morning and took her Arabic lesson with Corinna. and told us some very good news about Mr Q. about his future work in Egypt.
Went to see a dahabeyah this afternoon - the difficulty of getting definite. word from the owners of the "Abou Sinbell" about a price of two more months on her. are enormous plots are on foot to scare them into some expression of feeling. by. suggesting other plans