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Sunday Jan 22.
K and L
North wind in the early morning when I went down to Karnak in the "Rebecca and Frances" and West in the afternoon, and quite cold.  Finished my picture in the Luxor temple of "His better half"
Had a talk with the Reis of the "Bijou" and have made an offer to the owner. through him of a £ 25 a month, which he seemed to think might be accepted - but we think otherwise and shall be greatly surprised if we get the boat at that very low figure.
Took tea [Joe, Corinna and Grandma] with the Lee's and said good bye to them.  also to Mrs. Quibell who went down to Cairo to-night to be gone a few days.
After dinner Corinna and Joe went over to the Anglo American "Puritan" and called on the Fergusons and Miss Vaughn.
Work at Karnak in the morning, and began a new study in the afternoon at Luxor temple
Mother and Corinna went over the little hospital with Dr. and Mrs. Saunders. and called on Mrs. Mond.  They acquired a find dragoman on the way. who would have surprised the Mond's by his appearance if they had been in to see him.
Mr. Foulk of Washington came to-day by train, and his family by Ramses III which arrived late this afternoon.
Mr. Quibell came to dinner to-night
Wind strong from the West, and cold and blustering all the afternoon
Little Miss Ginie getting a couple of Teeth. - and rather yellious times last night.