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Bradley Martin's steam dahabeyah arrive.
In the afternoon worked at Luxor Temple and Corinna came over and together we called on the boat - having previously met Mrs. Martin and her sister Miss. Phipps in the temple. and walking around with them and their dragoman.
Dined on the "Beduin" with Mr. Theodore Davis. and had a most enjoyable time and a good dinner - homemade candy being a great treat
Met Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stokes who came up by train this morning and go back tomorrow night.
Alobe and Yaaseen - [captain and crew of the Rebecca and Frances] took the painter down to Karnak this fine misty morning. and waited there for him. while he finished his big picture of the sacred boat.
Worked also on the new study of the Hypostyle Hall - and at 11.15 left the temple crossed the river and at 12.10. was sitting in the "lunch tomb" in the valley of the Kings. eating an extraordinarily good cold lunch. with the Bradley Martins. Lord and Lady Craven - Miss. Phipps. Captain Ernest. and Corinna who had come over with them.
Came over the hill and visited the temple. and got back to the dahabeyah at 4. to find her moved in a new place - the water in the old one being too shallow. and the boat being very nearly stuck fast.
Miss. Phipps and the Captain came aboard and made a call and when they left. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes came and had tea and saw the babies, when they left. Quibell came also and had same and the "Ramses the great" came up the river. with Emory Gardner aboard. and Stokes's younger brother [[strikethrough]] aboard [[/strikethrough]] and other friends Jeannette was ill to-day and.