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[[preprinted]] 71 [[/preprinted]] Had a long talk to-day with Legrain. who is a most interesting man - concerning the the newly appointed Englishman to take Mr. Quibell's place - he spoke feelingly - The shadoufs are at work now - passing the water from the excavations, where any time now we may expect to see something - the water runs into the Sacred lake. The Martins dahabeyah went off up the river this morning. THURSDAY FEB 2 { Freida Mond came and played all morning with Totsey and left an invitation for Joe & Corinna The painter went this morning to Karnak with Yaaseen and Alobe. in the small felouka - and put in a long morning's work - on the picture of the Hypostyle Hall, and a new one. -Letter from owner of the "Bijou" today. not very satisfactory. but the affair is not off. by any means - the chance of the Fergersons taking the boat for a couple or three [[strikethrough]] days [[/strikethrough]] months. may help us very materially. Maspero. came down the river this morning. Began a new picture at Luxor Temple this afternoon. Heard from Charlie Fitz to-day that the Moorish capitals I bought in Seville for Mrs. Gardner. have arrived all safe and sound. Read in the paper to-day that the Empress Eugenie, sailed yesterday on a dahabeyah for Luxor and Assouan - hope we shall see the famous old lady. on her way up. Corinna and Dowé are going through the day's accounts. and the day. which has been one of perfect beauty. is done. Dowé gave us a great scare to-night by suddenly introducing into the cabin the wild untamed cat. to keep down the mice which are a little too numerous. and are beginning to be somewhat destructive. Corinna balanced up accounts to-day and