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A cold fine morning
The painter went donkeying to the Rameseum and Medinet Habu this morning and found more subjects to paint.
Corinna and Ellen Hooper also came over on the same excursion two hours later and called on Mrs Quibell, who had just returned from calling on us at the boat.               Ellen Hooper stayed to luncheon with us.
The painter worked at the Luxor temple and at 4.30 joined Grandma and Corinna at tea with the Saunders at the hotel.
The children had made a formal and well behaved call earlier in the afternoon and with Dowe and the cook in their best clothes attracted considerable attention
Grandpa and Dowe brought over from Luxor this morning quite a lumber supply which is to be used in making a contrivance for the ease and comfort of the painter. and the safety of the oil pictures which are to be painted at Karnak.
The painter went this morning to Karnak and presented Masperos letter of introduction to M Legrand. the director there, who was very  pleasant and desirous of being of any service he could.
Joe asked to have a staging put up. so he could get a good position to do some of the reliefs on the exterior of the sanctuary. and M Legrand instantly called