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Rebecca said this morning "I have just said good morning to [[underlined]] Mrs [[/underlined]] Reis Ali" which is her first remark concerning the dress of the Egyptians [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 23 [[/preprinted]] an Arab and gave the directions. he promised to show us over the recently excavated portions, soon - where he found so many fine things last Winter. A quiet morning at the dahabeah. children playing with Grandpa in the sand. At twelve thirty we all met at the Luxor Hotel to lunch with the Hooper girls - a very festive occasion, with charming flowers on the table and a very good lunch indeed. Mr. Ogilvie leaves Luxor to-day for Cairo, and is good enough to go to Spiros to order me some more canvas for the Karnak work. After luncheon. the painter went to Luxor temple to paint on his Priest of Mart. and Grandma and Grandpa and Corinna were invited to go to Karnak with the Hoopers - Grandma in a chair with porters. The babies and Jeanette came over to the hotel to meet them on their return but sunset time approached and they crossed over with Papa to the dahabeah and welcomed them uproariously from the windows of the sitting room. Apple fritters to-night. a great success. Dowé comes in every night directly after dinner is over. and Abdalla has cleared off the table. - and gives an account of the day's expenses to Corinna who is keeping sum of all the expenditures of the trip Rebecca sits up on the sofa before dinner and eats her supper at the little shelf. Grandpa put up for the lamp and the goolahs. and just before we sit down to the table. Tiny comes in to kiss us all good night chuckling and gurgling with pleasure. Both babies go to sleep at once and sleep splendidly well. The big dahabeah - Dongola - left this morning for up stream.
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