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supper. we walked up one of the near by hills and saw the light die out of the sky. and the moon shine in wondrous splendor - on the enchanting tho desolate wild and uncanny scene.
Corinna cooked a fine supper - and after a moonlight walk up to the end of the valley - joined by young Mr. Ayerton. who had come over from Dohr el Bahri. to see if he might be of any assistance - we went to bed - thinking of the tomb and its contents. we were guarding.
12 gaffirs - and a native inspector slept near by. and the night was warm and windless.
About 12 - we woke up. and took a little walk. in the wonderful moonlight - an extraordinary and beautiful effect - the color marvelous. and the light and shaddow. entrancing.
Again we slept. and about 4.30 woke again. and Corinna made tea. and after sitting half an hour talking. we walked up the gebel and saw the sun rise in glory - we made a long walk of it. into another wild valley towards the West. and then came back to some breakfast.
MONDAY [[strikethrough]] JANUARY [[/strikethrough]] FEBRUARY 13
About 9.15. Mr. Davis came and said that Maspero. had given directions that we should go ahead and open the tomb at once. and he would presently arrive. and enter it.
This was done. and with Mr. Wygall. I had the honor. of first going way down to the lower door - and seeing the amazing sight. of what will probably turn out to be one of the richest finds ever made. in Egypt. an extraordinary