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[[preprinted]] 95 [[/preprinted]] FRIDAY, FEB 17 Worked all the morning in the tomb - got out all the jars, and outer coffins of the "old man" and later unwrapped part of him, and found various treasures. Lunched with Quibell, and in the afternoon resumed the profession of "Painter" and worked at Mond's tomb. home later with Q. after tea with him. Mr. Davis joining us. Dorè returned to us to-day. Quibell came in and made a long call after dinner to-night. Mother sold a picture to-day to Mrs Beal of Boston who came down yesterday on the "Puritan" from Assonan, _ the picture was the watercolor of the Hypostyle Hall at Philoe. Reis Ali came back to the boat [[strikethrough]]to-day, [[/strikethrough]] yesterday from his long assence. [[absence]] SATURDAY, FEB 18 Joe wen across the fields again this morning, and worked all the morning on the charming little boys, bearing presents - in Mond's tomb - and at 12, walked over the steep path abouve Debr el Bari - and lunched with Mr. Davis his town neices and Quibell and Weigall. afterward made pencil drawings of the old couple whose long repose we have thus destroyed. did some catalogue for Q. and made a plan diagram of the tomb and its contents, as at first observed by me. Sent home work that I would spend the night there with Q. who would have been alone. After supper we walked up the other valley, which was most impressive in the moonlight we heard a wolf barking to another, far off, up in the distant ravines Wat a wondrous place it is -