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Joe went to his Gourmeh tomb and began a new study this morning and received a visit later from Corinna and Miss Vaughn - who afterwards walked over the pass and paid a visit to the new tomb.
Joe packed some things with the Quibells and lunched with them there
Corinna and Miss Vaughn went all over  Deln el Barhi with M.Naville and Mr V.
M and Madame Legrain came to dinner to night we sent the Bijou's felouka down to meet them.
Legrain translated the  heiroglyphics on the "Armen and thought it a very fine piece of XXVII-  the pictures were shown and seemed to give satisfaction to our guests.
The Fergussons came to tea this afternoon and saw the pictures and Corinna took the babies over to say good bye to the Whitakers