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[[preprinted]] 111 [[/preprinted]] March 2 [[left margin]] [[underlined]] Balleania [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] Left Kalid early in morning no wind and fair drifting. At or near Abaiyeh we were interested in seeing the villiagers assembled on the shore to assist in finding the body of one drowned. An exciting time for a while caused by a tug towing a dahabieyh down - getting aground - and letting the boat drift down so as to nearly collide with us who at that moment touched bottom. Arrived at Balaiena about sundown. March 3 [[left margin]] [[underlined]] Girgeh [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] Packed a camel with tent &c. and Mother Corrinna & yours truly put off for Abydos - arr. 11 am. Pitched the tent in front yard - Mr. Quibell having sent word to the guards to look out for us - (one came to [[strikethrough]] Abydos [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Baleina [[/insertion]] last night to report it). On the way over & back we were escorted by a Greek gentleman - a contractor to build a road-way to Abaydos. - No word from Joe. It being a calm day we thought best to go on to Akhenin at least - so left DoƩ & started about 2 P.M and arrived at Girgeh about 6
Transcription Notes:
Unsure where to transcribe words in the left margin.
* they seem to go with each entire day so have put them near the date