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[[preprinted]] 115 [[/preprinted]]
March 5  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] off. Sohag [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Started at usual time but had not made a mile away before the northerly wind commenced and forced us to go ashore about two miles below and opposite Sohag where we spent the day and night.
Sorry that we started as Sohag is the most pleasant looking town we have seen since Cairo.
The family wrote a combination letter to Lois to be forwarded to Aunty.
Madams rash does not seem to trouble her much today.
March 6  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] Tuah [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Cast off at six AM.
Rowed for about five hours and made about eight miles when the wind having become too fresh for us we tied up to a mud bank on the West side near a small village said to be Tuah.
The wind died down about five o'clk and on requesting the reis to row for an hour or so he was so much concerned at our displeasure that he left the ship. However we live in hopes of a better day tomorrow.