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March 7  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] near Tahtah [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Started 5.45 a.m.
No wind and a quiet sea for about two hours when the wind increased so that we made for shore in a hurry about three miles South of Tartah (I wish had caught it) about noon.
It has been blowing hard all the after-noon. The reis was disgruntled because of yesterdays work but the promise of a sheep at Assiout has put him in good humor.
March 8
[[left margin]] near Tahtah [[/left margin]]
Like the King of France with his 40,000 men we started on time, went about a quarter of a mile and then moored again.
This day has been like one of our blizzard days, with sand instead of snow.
Sent a man to Tahtah for mail &c. he spent the whole day and brought no mail. He secured some pretty bad butter.
Promised the crew a sheep but found prices to high here so did not secure one (2 1/2 guineas)