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[[preprinted]] 125 [[/preprinted]]
March 14  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] El Amarna [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Off early with a good water and no wind to speak of. We made a very good run of about thirty miles and put in opposite El Amarna at dusk.
It has been a most enjoyable day - the most of the way the river runs close to the mountain cliffs.
March 15  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] about 4 miles N. of Rhoda [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Started as usual. no wind and made got sailing until near Rhoda when the wind freshened and we remained nearly stationary in mid channel from one to three o'clk. Joe and Dowé went ashore at the ruins on Antionnopolis and gathered a number of "antiqu's"
Our crew have demonstrated today more openly what we have conjectured before that they were bound to make our trip down as long as possible and that the reis could not control them. We think it is his interest to hurry but he has said some nasty things in our presence which were translated to us.
We hailed the tug that took Mr. Davis down but he refused to take us down so Janette went over to train for Cairo and will try to send a tug up and meet us on the river. Four of crew say they are disabled
[[margin]] [[underline]] about 4 miles N. of Rhoda[[/underline]] [[margin]] 

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