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[[preprinted]] 127 [[/preprinted]] 15th continued - Doé with a goffer from the Sheik and a pistol strapped around him and Janette went up the bank to take donkeys for the 1/2 hour trip to the Station - the natives crowded around and wondered why [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] donkey was not sufficient to take both together with the valise but as there was neither stirrups nor bridle they both objected However off they got and about 10 Doé returned and reported all was well. The Sheik after sending off the guard with them came on board and asked for some medicine for a severe stomach-ache he had. Mother got out her Jamaica ginger and gave it to him - afterwards we found the ache was in his cow. March 16 [[left margin]] [[underlined]] near Minayh [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] Up and off as usual, no wind [[strikethrough]] Met a [[/strikethrough]] Crew worked a little better than yesterday About noon we made Minayh and on the bank we saw Harry Greene pacing up and down with a handkerchief for a turban - he having lost his hat in the cars and we were very glad to see him and made him welcome. Janette telegraphed that her train being 5 hours late she could not report then but later sent word that a tug was on the way for us. We left Minayh at 4 and moored about 6 [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] miles farther on A Fantasia going on now.
Transcription Notes:
Probably Minya