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[[preprinted]] 131 [[preprinted]] March 19 Started at 6am, Strong wind from the North all day but made good sailing The tug found a native boat across the channel and so ran aground, we drawing less water passed along side of her and fetched up on the bank. Our crew and male passengers went ashore and hauled the tug off after some delay when we proceeded and reached our berth below the great bridge about three P.M. Much excitement in passing through the draw, a large fleet of natives using it at the same time Oaths &c was freely used and no accidents happened. We are moored just above the [[strikethrough]] Glh [[/strikethrough]] Ghezireh Palace Hotel. Mrs Davis just below us J. & C. called on the Longfellows. Thus ends the voyages on the Nile for the Smith family for this season