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To agent of A A Steam Co [[strikethrough]] Gentlemen [[/strikethrough]] Dr Sir I am on the dahabieyh Bijou now near Rhoda and desire [[strikethrough]] to get to [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] of reaching [[/insertion]] Cairo as soon as convenient - [[strikethrough]] We learn that your price is 5 £ per diem. If so [[/strikethrough]] Will you send [[insertion]] up [[/insertion]] a tug [[insertion]] at once [[/insertion]] to catch us on the river and telegraph [[strikethrough]] me [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] us [[/insertion]] at Mineyah. This will be handed to you by our maid Miss. Yakovitzh who will arrange as to [[strikethrough]] price [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] terms [[/insertion]] and we can refer you to Dr. Sandwith of Cairo [[strikethrough]] Yours [[/strikethrough]] Yours &c Joseph L. Smith
Transcription Notes:
"dahabieyh" is a variation in spelling on a type of boat.