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of told her that she would not get sick, but in a few minutes she got awful bad For my part I felt a little bad at first but did not throw up. Directly we heard a great laughing and hallooing "the doctor is sick, the doctor is sick". All the passengers and even the captain were sick but father and a Mrs Benson.
  We were 33 days on the ship having head winds and calms most of the way. The first cabin passengers were all men but mother and an Irish lady who was not out of her berth a day during the voyage. In the second cabin there were four young gentlemen who were going to make the tour of Europe, an English family named Wamsley who had lived at Frankford a while a young German and several other gentlemen. There was also an English woman who had been living in Philad[[superscript]]a[[/superscript]] she was going home to her native country to see her mother who was ill. The men nicknamed her "Cinderalla" perhaps on account of her having rather neat feet and wearing light gaiters. We thought that she was rather a suspicious kind of body for the first two or three days there was nothing seen of her she had brought a jug of brandy on board of which she had been using too much, but the sailors being sent in to clean her state room happened to find it and soon put an end to it and then her fun was over. She was in inveterate smoker and had such a strong pipe that it not only annoyed all the people in the 

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second cabin but as there was only a thin board partition separating it from our selves it annoyed us to very much and father often blessed it when he had a headache. This was only a beginning of the trouble and inconvenience they suffered; for the Wamsley's had four of the noisiest children that ever were. Then there was a man who was very ill of a cancer in the stomach. He came on deck for the first few days looking very sick, but still he seemed like a nice man. He had not much to say but would make occasional remarks about the weather. After a while we saw nothing of him for some time and one sunday while we were at dinner the captain came in and told us that he was dying however he lingered on till Wednesday 16th when he died. Immediately after he was sewed up in canvass by the boatswain who was swearing all the time. When this was done the captain read a few lines from the Bible and he was slipped over board by the light of a lantern only to hours after the breath left him  This was a hard situation he had not a single relation on the ship. He was originally from Ireland and had been Philadelphia 19 years where he carried on the business of a grocer and left a wife and family. He had come to sea with the hope of being cured.
I must now say something about the steerage passengers. They all go in one large kind of place partitioned off in the bottom of the vessel entered and lighted by one large hatchway just back of the forecastle. and in stormy weather this is