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had come over the day before. Stopping again at Foyer's, and seeing the scenery under different effects. We got several sketches, and some of Ben [[Nevis?]]. After putting up at the hotel at Fort William, we took a walk, and got a sketch of Inverlochey Castle.
  Sep. 11th. Got on the coach at six o-clock, and rode back along the shore of Loch Linnhe to Balahoolish and Glen Coe where we left the coach, walking some miles to King's house, studying the scenery at our leisure and sketching. We saw much that was very fine. The distant peaks were of a delicate bluish gray withe the ravines and markings of the same tint a little deeper. The sides and some bare places are of a reddish purple hue. The nearer crags are of a brownish gray, and the marking on them is extremely fine, as it is ragged; in some places deep, in others light. There are marks beginning very broad and

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 strong, and finishing in a delicate rotten line. The grass grows up over the ends of the rocks in a most picturesque way. In the foreground there are some very rich coloured rocks and stones, Indian red, pink, green, purple and brown tints. In places, springs wash metallic earths over rocks giving them the colour of Vandyke brown, light red and vermillion, which contrasts strongly with the green grass.
  We got several good sketches, and when we were out of the pass lunched on some bread & butter which we had saved. We reached King's House about three o-clock, having walked eight miles. About five o-clock we made a hearty meal, and then went out to sketch, but were forced to return on account of the midges which were terrible. In the evening we wrote.
12th. We went out and made a sketch, and then took the coach back to [Inverrunam?], where we got some dinner, and hired a cart which took us half way down Glen Orchy, then after a pleasant walk of eight miles we reach