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with [spirit?] sails extending high above them, and enormous clumsy helms, and are freighted some times level with the water, which is very filthy. We saw some old bulks on the shore, which went ahead of everything we have seen in picturesqueness and fine marking. Landing at the tunnel pier, a short walk brought us to the entrance, and paying a penny, we descended by stairs to a considerable depth, and then entered the tunnel. It is 1300 feet long, 38 wide and 22 high, and is lighted every few yards. We walked through it and returned. We bought a medal with the tunnel remembered on one side and a head of Brunell, the planner of it, on the other. We also bought a pen, pencil and tooth pick all in one and shaped like a musket. Having seen all that interested us here, we set off in the direction of the tower, and after a walk of about a mile through horridly dirty streets, we reached it. First going to the ticket office, we got tickets to see the horse [armoury?], and crown and jewels, all that we required tickets for. And then waiting in the 

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refreshment room until a party of twelve had collected, a warden set off with us as guide. We were first shows the Horse armory, which is a very long appartment, lighted by a row of windows on one side. Along the opposite side are ranged the suits of armor worn by the kings of England from Edward the first down to James the second. Some of them weigh as much as sixty four pounds. One is able to judge by them of the size of the wearer Edward 1st was a slight man. By the time of James 2nd. the long leather boots, and pistol [[?]] had been introduced. The walls of the room are filled with guns, pistols, swords, bayonets, ramrods and knives formed into various ornamental designs. There are some costumes of Knights in the different reigns. We went next up a flight of stairs, at the head of which was a vestibule containing various curious pieces of armor, some of which had be captured in Egypt and some in India. Strange battle axes, knives chain armor guns &c. There were two cannon, cast