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Capel Curig. Return to Bangor.

it is very celebrated for its trout. This was the first lake Mother and Lily ever saw.

As we proceeded towards Capel Curig the country became more open and there is more appearance of cultivation the scenery is fine and we passed several picturesque cottages. We reached Capel Curig about noon and put up at the principal hotel of the place, which is very clean and comfortable and situated near the lake.

Father unfortunately had a bad headache caused from their having given us chickery coffee for breakfast.

We rested during the afternoon and towards evening walked out and saw the lake and Snowdon under a most charming sunset effect the colouring was exceedingly rosy and delicate.

The backdoor of the inn looks out on a beautiful little garden with a miniature fish pond and a summer house which by way of ornament is covered solid with pine cones the points of which project outwards.

May 24th. Walked back to Bangor a distance of fifteen miles.

May 25th. Read and rested ourselves.

May 28th. Father and I drew some scrubby picturesque Druid oaks near Penyralt.

In the afternoon Father Lilly and I went to Beaumaris

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Visit to Caernarvon & Capel Curig. Tyn-y-Mais.

and sketched some rocks vessels [[se]].

May 29th. Walked to Caernarvon went through the castle saw the town shipping [[se]]. Took a car to Dolbadern sketched the tower, and staid over night.

May 30th. Walked along Llanberris lake through the pass, over Pen Pass, and to Capel Curig, where we spent delightful evening witnessing a beautiful sunset from the foot of the lake. We returned to Bangor the next day.

June 1st. Bright day. Mother began a letter to Salome.

June 2nd. Walked to Tyn-y-Mais to stay a week, got there before dinner.

In the afternoon mother and Lilly went back to Bethesda to see about getting some brown bread.

Father and I sketched a bridge on the river Ogwen.

June 3rd. Father painted a sketch, Lilly and I went to Bethesda, Mother finished the letter to Salome.

June 4th. Father painted the sketch of Llanberris pass. Mother Lilly and I read in Bruces travels in Africa drew wrote [[So]].

June 5th and 6th. Were rainy. The time was spent in reading writing and taking occasional walks out during the intervals when the rain ceased. We often saw very grand