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Take up quarters at Jenny Owen's. the road to Carenarvon about three miles. There is not much interesting scenery immediatly along the road but you have a good view of Snodon and several other mountains. There is also a longe rock by the road side called "the Pitt rock"from a striking resemblance which one of its edges has to Pitts profile. We did not see much to sketch it was late when we got home so we rested the rest of the afternoon. Tuesday July 1st. Went on a mountain cal[[insertion]]l[[/insertion]]ed Moel Hebog Situated to to the south of Beddgelert and from it we had a grand view of Snowdon and the mountains around it. We went home and took dinner, after which we went to the store and bought some groceries then taking leave of Mrs. Prichard and the family we set off bag and baggage for Jenny Owen's at Pass Gwynnant distant about three and a half miles. We had a thunderstorm threatening ahead of us all the way & when we got with in a few hundred yards of the house it began to come down but by raising the umbrellas and going right fast we got in with out being much wet. We took a cup of tea and went to bed soon after it. 2nd. Lilly and I went fishing, while father sat on a hill to the east of the house talking to mother and crafting a stick out of which he intended to make a kind of easel to paint her sketches on. I caught no fish, but Lilly found a stray goose. After dinner mother staid in the house and father lilly and [[end page]] [[start page]] Llyn Edno. I went on the hill to the west of the house and saw a nice evening effect over Llyn Dinas. In the evening I wrote in journal. 3rd. Father and I went on a mountain to the south of the house to find a lake called Llyn Edno we found it and it being on the top of the mountain we had a fine view of Moel Shabod and the top of the pass of Llanberis Pen Gwryd and Llyn Gwynnant besides Snowdon It was a hard and long ascent. On the way down I got a long dry light larch pole to fish with during this timime mother and Lilly staid at home and saw to the making of some smear lease. In the afternoon we took a walk around back of the house I trimmed my fishing pole. Friday July 4th. 1851 We all took a walk on a high hill to the westward for a bout a mile, from which we had a view of the Atlantic Ocean and Pont Madoc. After dinner father not feeling very well mother Lilly and I went to Beddgelert and saw Mrs. Prichard who made us stay and take a cup of tea, we bought a doll for Lilly along with several other things. Father met us as we were coming home so we had a pleasant walk and chat the rest of the way home. A-thus we spent the Fourth for we hast no fireworks. 5th. Went two thirds of the way to Snowdon which is a grand and solitary climb we saw extensive copper mines which seemed [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
In the second to last sentence of the entry for July 3rd, there seems to be a misspelling of the word "time" ("timime").