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Mr. Spooner's. 16th. It was the first bright day since Sunday week. Father painted a sketch of Ellyn Dinas and Moel Hebog. I coloured my lake and it turned out very well, I made it very warm. Mother touched up her heather and it came out very well. Lilly played read etc. We received our first letters from America there were two one from uncle Samuel and one from Dr. Ganerette. they were all well. Samuel received a letter from Grandfather just before he wrote to us which announced the death of Uncle Silas and old Mrs. De Bennivill the former having died on the 14th of June. 17th. Went down on to the grounds of Mr. Vaudrey on the way we past the front of Mr. Spooner's cottage a very nice one surrounded with a forest of pines and other trees At the back there is a very high hill on small mountain About fifty yards from the door there is a fast running stream from the mountains on one side of which is a little stable beside a gate just big enough to hold one horse it is very low and rudely built and being covered with moss vines etc. it almost looks like a rock. On the other side there was a large flock of young ducks that were at breakfast they would eat a little and then run to the stream to get a drink they seemed very happy. We then went along the stream by a nice wide gravel carriage road until we came to a very wild little waterfall over which there is a rude bridge there are old oaks with their branches meeting over the stream [[end page]] [[start page]] Nant Gwynnant. all in a perfectly natural state being grownup with ivy and having dead branches which were crooked and very picturesque. Along the sides there are rocks covered with rich velvety moss and delicate little vines as well as large once. Father thought it was the most beautiful thing of that kind he ever saw. We then went on along the road until we came past Mr. Truit's backdoor where there were ducks and chickens of all sizes feeding out of neat little wooden troughs there was also a very nice chicken house. A short way below this we have a view of Moel Hebog and Llyn Dinas which father stopped to draw and mother went to work at a stable built of stone with three arches in front. I not feeling very brisk did not try anything. While we were there it rained a little but the large trees there were over us kept it off. When father and mother had finished their drawings it was dinner time so we went home. The before mentioned gentlemen Mr. Spooner and Mr. Truit are tenants to Mr. Vaudrey. After dinner father did not feel very well, mother and I drew the old end of Mrs. Owens cottage and I coloured mine and they both turned out very well. In the evening we took a walk and found a very nice place to draw an old barn from. Lilly and I played and I wrote. 18th. After breakfast we packed up some.
Transcription Notes:
Vaudrey same as Vandrey on earlier page?