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Mr. Wyatt's we both drew and when we were done it was time for us to go to mother and Lilly, and then descend the mountain When we came to them mother had not finished and Lilly was packing up the things. Father then mixed some tints of the scene he had just drawn. When they were both done we set off and soon reached the house without any particular adventure except my meeting with a snake that was watching a frog it was very small and ran into a bunch of heather. We had [[whirlte?]] berries for supper and they tasted very nice. We slept very sound after our day's journey. 19th. It was raining. I stayed in the house read and wrote up journal said spelling lesson etc. Father wrote. Mother drew some moss Lilly said lesson sewed etc. Sunday 20th. Father painted the sketch of Llyn Edno. Mother and I wrote up our journals, and Lilly anew painted etc. 21st. Father painted the sketch of Lllyn [[Shacci?]]. Lilly and I took a walk to return some newspapers which Mr. Vawdney had been so kind as to lend us, but we went to the wrong place which we afterwards found to be Mr. Wyatts'. This is a very beautiful place. First the gateway is adorned with many beautiful flowers, shrubs etc. Then after entering it we wound up along a nice wide gravel walk on both sides of which was a bed filled with fine flowers and shrubs of all descriptions there were also extremely. [[end page]] [[ start page]] Walk to Llyn Slydow. picturesque old stones placed here and there with beautiful and delicate little vines and evergrens running over them then occasionally some intensely bright flower which would set off and give life to all the rest. Surrounding and covering that there was a fine woods. Directly we came to a large old house rather plain but very comfortable looking where we met an old lady her sister who was very kind to us and directed us to Mr. Vawaney's where we left the papers and then came home. I fixed fishing line. After dinner I drew and coloured a little pig shelter. Mother painted her moss. Father and I took a walk and saw fourteen or fifteen men and women making hay. 22nd. We got our dinner ready and then set off to explore Slyn Slyaow about two thirds of the way up Snowdon and on the lanel Cuing [[?]] about seven miles distance from Ras Gwynant. We past Slyn Gywyuand which looked very beautiful and it being very calm had an uncommonly clear reflection. After a while we came to a bull and having heard of there being a bad one about that place we thought it better to cross the wall, which we did and had a fine view of the lake and mountains with a large rock for a foreground As we past the bull he gave us a long and savage look over the wall. We then got out in to the road and went on passing many beautiful streams and springs