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Holland chin        
" [[Ditto for: Holland]] Arabic
" [[Ditto for: Holland]] Malay
Engl & typewriting
Negeri school

June 2 - [[strikethrough]] zoo [[/strikethrough]] Drive to [[Meninggau?]] Lake in afternoon. Bringing batik & Mery. weaving from peddlers around hotel - Notes on weaving - washable even if sequin studded.

Hotel ads - "Enjoy the nature & use an automobile." Old Hindu moments - No public opportunity to swim into the lake - Temperature of bath best bet. 12 & 4

June 3 - Called on Resort 8 - 11 - 12 - 1. Finally found O - nice fellow. Zoo in morning. Again in afternoon w. C. Grootes sec. Zoo notes - self supporting 800 spec. Admission 10[[cent symbol]], 5[[cent symbol]] for children. Concession no profit, refreshments in [[shorthand symbol?]]. Menengkaban village for monkeys that run wild in trees. Grootes gave most of zoo to Bill - serows, tapir, wild cats, hog badger, martin, otter, squirrels, bintoering. Bought pea soup chutney sausages. Going camping to-morrow.
June 4 - Left at 9 - Road out of F. de Kock - Galvanized iron roofs of meningkabans- Ayer Putik Canyon - waterfall. Lunch in Kata Baral. Drove on to Moerah Maket gorgeous jungle along way. Resth, perched up on hill,  island in road. Lights of village below -River - Good reistafel. Stone - cement shelf, room for 5 kettles - Dutch planter. Saw tyer 20 km down road. Crossed Equator just before Kata Borse. Sheep or goat blotched bl & wh. no horses. long ears - bloodhound, llama fright. by rabbit. long legs. coconuts strung around neck.

Transcription Notes:
Start of page appears to be two columns of writing so I've transcribed the left column first and the right column second to make it a bit easier to read and understand.