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[[three columns]]

[[column titles]] [[underlined]] Scientific Name | Common Name | No. [[/underlined]] [[/column titles]]

Micraonyx leptonyx | Small-clawed otter | 1
Paradoxurus, [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[hermaphrodytus]]  | ^ [[insertion]] ^[[Small toothed]] [[/insertion]] Palm Oivet  | [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[5]]
[[strikethrough]] Arctogalidia fusca | Small toothed palm civet | 1 [[/strikethrough]]
Arctictis binturong | Binturong | 5
Dendrolagus inustus | Tree kangaroo | 2
Charronia flavigula henricii |  Asiatic marten | 1
Jaculus jaculus | Egyptian jerboa | 10
Tupaia siaca | Tree shrew | 1
[[strikethrough]] Noto [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Nycto]]cleptes sumatrensis | Bamboo rat | 1
Arctonyx collaris | Hog badger | 2
Cuon javanicus sumatrensis  | Sumatran wild dog | 1
Ratufa [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[macroura]] | [[strikethrough]] Rock [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] ^[[Ceylon giant]] [[/insertion]] squirrel | 1
Ratufa bicolor | Javan gian squirrel | 1
Cap^[[o]]sciurus melanops | Sumatran tri-colored squirrel | 3
Sciurus finlaysoni | Lesser white squirrel | 7
Tomeutes notatus | Javan brown squirrel | 2
Galosciurus piceus | Beautiful squirrel | 1
Giraffa camelopardalis | Nubian Giraffe | 4
Bi^[[b]]os gaurus | Gaur | 2
Synceros caffer | African buffalo | 2
Tragulus javanicus | Javan Mouse Deer | 1
Tragulus napu | Mouse Deer | 1