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[[underlined]] Scientific Name  Common Name No. [[/underlined]]

Munia molucca      Black-throated munia   75
Munia maja         White-headed munia     50
Ploceus baya       Baya weaver            11
Oriolas chinenais  Sumatran oriole         6
Gracula javana     Javan mynah             4
Lalage nigra       Pied cuckoo shrike      1
Pycnonatus analis  Yellow-vented bul-bul   2
Corvus insolens    Indian crow             4
Lophura rubea      Malayan fire-back p^[[h]]easant       1
Caloenas nicobarica Nicobar pigeon         5
^[[Thereiceryx zeylandicus Streaked]] barbet    2
Coturnix coturnix   Migratory quail       38
Gallus gallus       Jungle fowl            2
Alectoris graeca    Chukar partridge       2
Goura victoria      Victoria crowned pigeon 3
Goura [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[sclaterii     Sclater's]] crowned pigeon 7
Manucodia atra      Black manucode          1
Rubigula dispar    Red-throated bul-bul     3
Ptilinopus regina  Purple-capped fruit dove 5
^[[Ptil[[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]]inopus humeralis Purple shouldered " "]] [[Dittos for: fruit dove]]  ^[[1]]
Mesia argentauris   Silver-eared mesia      3
............                     bul-bul    1
Fairy blue bird     Fairy blue bird         1
Erythrura prasina   Long-tailed munia       5
Amandava amandava   Strawberry finch       75
Trachycomus zeylonicus Yellow- crowned bul-bul    5