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[[three columns]]

[[column titles]]
[[underline]] Scientific name | Common name | No. [[/underline]]
[[/column titles]]

Aprosmictus cyanopygius | King paroquet | 1

Lorius garrulus | Red lory | 10

Eos cyanogenea | Blue-eared lory | 1

Trichoglossus moluccanus | Molucca lory | 2

Trichoglossus haematod | Ceram lory | 6

Lorius lory | Blue-crowned lory | 4

Pseudeos fuscata | Dusky lory | 1

Kakatoe [[strikethrough]] citrinocristata [[/strikethrough]] ^[[moluccensis]] | [[strikethrough]] Orange-crested [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Great red-crested]] cockatoo | 1

Kakatoe alba | White cockatoo | 2

" [[Ditto for: Kakatoe]] galerita | Large sulphur-crested cockatoo | 2

" [[Ditto for: Kakatoe]] sulphurea | Lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo | 11

Psittrichas fulgidus | Vulturine parrot | 1

Calptorhynchus magnificus | Banksian cockatoo | 3

Psittacula eupatria | Red-shouldered paroquet | 5

Eclectus [[strikethrough]] sp. [[/strikethrough]] ^[[pectoralis]] | Eclectus parrot | 2

Aprosmi^[[c]]tus amboinensis | Amboina lory | 1

Chalcopsitta atra | Black lory | 1

Psittinus cyanurus | Malay parrotlet | 2

Lorius domicella | Rajah lory | 2

Trichoglossus nigrogularis | Blue-fronted lory | 8

Loriculus galgulus | Red-throated parrotlet | 9

Psittacula krameri | Kramer's paroquet | 7

.............. | Young immature lory | 1

^[[Tanygnathus muelleri | mueller parrot | 1]]