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[[underlined]] REPTILES [[/underlined]]

[[three columns]]

[[column titles]] [[underlined]] Scientific Name | Common Name | No [[/underlined]] [[/column titles]]

Naja hannah | King cobra | 2

Naja tripudians [[strikethrough]] sumatrana [[/stikethrough]] ^[[var.]] | Sumatran black hooded cobra | 16 ^[[7]]

^[[" " [[Ditto for: Naja tripudians]] var.]] | ^[[Indian cobra]]| ^[[4]]

^[[" " [[Ditto for: Naja tripudians]] var.]] | ^[[Siamese cobra]] | ^[[5]]

Bungarus fasciatus | Banded krait | 1

Boiga cynodon | Cat-eyed tree snake | 1

Boiga dendrophila | Mangrove snake | 2

Vipera russelli | Russell's viper | 1

Trimeresurus grammeus | Green palm viper | 1

" [[Ditto for: Trimeresurus]] peniceus | Brown tree viper | 1

" [[Ditto for: Trimeresurus]] purpureomaculatus | Brown palm viper | 1

" [[Ditto for: Trimeresurus]] wagleri | Wagler's viper | 1

Python amethystinus | Amethystine python | 1

" " [[Dittos for: Python amethystinus]] |  " " [[Dittos for: Amethystine python]] (brown phase) | 1

Python curtus | Blood python | 14

Python molurus | Indian rock python | 5

" [[Ditto for: Python]] reticulatus | Regal or reticulated python | 4

Elaphe oxycephala | Green lacquered tree snake | 1

Trionyx c^[[a]]rtilagineus | Asiatic soft-shelled turtle | 1

Cyclemys amboinensis | Kura kura box turtle | 12

Batagur baska | Baska turtle | 1

Geomyda spinosa | Spiny hill tortoise | 1

Testudo emys | Land tortoise | 5