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[[utt]]ered many Rattles and many "Warbles" (see below) while pursuing a (presumably) territorial rival. Once, one or both birds of an apparently mated pair uttered a few ^ [[insertion]] typical [[/insertion]] Rattles when the two birds landed together. (This is certainly not, however, the only "Greeting" pattern of the species – see below.) It seems likely, therefore, that Rattles are at least partly hostile, and produced when the tendency to attack is at least slightly stronger than the tendency to escape. 

    It is highly ^[[insertion]] probable [[/insertion]] that the Rattles of Buff-throated Saltators are nothing more than accelerated series of the "Trit" or "Tit" Notes sometimes uttered singly. Intermediate patterns occur occasionally. A bird many begin to utter single "Trit" or "Tit" Notes at relatively long intervals, and then utter more notes of the same type at progressively shorter intervals until the successive notes follow one another as rapidly as in typical Rattles.

    ^ [[insertion]] Several times, wild birds were heard to utter unusually soft but otherwise typical R's when joining other individuals, possibly their mates. There patterns were reminiscent of the "Muffled R"s of some related species.  [[/insertion]]

    The most characteristic vocalizations of Buff-throated Saltators may be called "Warbles". These are composed of Flourishes alone or (more frequently) Flourishes and "Trit" or "Tit" Notes.

    Flourishes are clear, rather musical, bisyllabic or trisyllabic notes of moderate length and (usually) moderate loudness.  Typical Flourishes could be transcribed at "Tseeyoo", "Tsawee", "Tasweeyoo," "Toa-ha-whee", and "Tsa-whee-whee". The different syllables of a single note are usually or always quite different in pitch, ^ [[insertion]] but the sequence of pitch changes is variable. [[/insertion]] The basic form or outline of these patterns seems to essentially identical with that of the Flourishes of [[underline]] Chlorospingus  [[/underline]] species and Yellow-rumped Tanagers (and their motivation may be equally similar -- see below.) When they are uttered apart from "Trit" or "Tit" Notes, they are apparently always uttered in pairs or "doublets". Usually the two Flourishes of a single doublet are very similar to one another, having the same number of syllables and similar changes in pitch.
    In Warbles which include "Trit" or "Tit" Notes, the Flourishes ma[[y]]

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Transcription Notes:
Chlorospingus = bush tanagers