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ionally, Buff-throated Saltators utter one "Jit" or "Jit" Note immediately  before a Rattle-Flourish sequence. These performances may be largely or completely homologous with the "Izzbeet" Note-Then Rattle-Hoarse Flourish patterns of Yellow-rumped Tanagers and/or the  "Jit"-Rattle-Flourish patterns of Brown-capped Bush-tanagers. The whole Warble pattern, with or without Rattles, also is startlingly reminiscent of some warbling patterns of [[underline]] Altapetes [[/underline]] and other bush finches.
Buff-throated Salatators seem to utter Rattle-Warble combinations in much the same range of circumstances as typical Rattles alone. There are some indications, however, that individuals uttering both Rattles and Warbles are somewhat less aggressive, on the average, than individuals uttering only Rattles. Combinations of Rattles and Warbles are among the more common "Greeting" patterns. 
The Warbler and Rattle-Warble sequences of individuals not actively engaged in chases or actual fights are combined with Bill-up Postures or, much more frequently, unritualized upright sitting postures similar to the postures accompanying Dawn Calling (see figures___)
Dawn Calling is probably the least distinctive vocal pattern of the species. It usually is uttered in the same range of circumstances as the Dawn Calling of Streaked Saltators and many other finches and tanagers. The individual Dawn Calling Notes are very similar to those of Streaked Saltators in tone. Some of them may also be identical in form; but most of them are longer and include more syllables, up to four or five in many cases. Buff-throated Saltators are particularly apt to utter two slightly different types of notes, one having one more syllable than the other; in very regular alternation. Typical Dawn Calling series might be transcribed as "Whee-ew whee-a-ew whee-ew whee-a-ew..." and "Tee-a-a-weeyoo tee-a-weeyoo tee-a-a-weeyoo tee -a-weeyoo..."