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[[red]] INDEX [[/red]]
[[blue]] Saltator coerulesceus[[/blue]] - Thru Jun 27, 1961
[[blue]] All Iquitos birds, unless stated otherwise[[/blue]]
[[underline]] General Comment Breeding Season[[/underline]] 17
[[underline]] Pre-flight Posture[[/underline]] Sketch; 20.
[[underline]] Short Hostile Notes.[[/underline]] Nasal, metallic "Auh"s; 16,18,19.
[[underline]] HAC [[/underline]] As greeting; 16,18,19,20. Between mates, apart from greetings; 19,22. During cop. attempt; 16
[[underline]]R???[[/underline]] During cop. attempt; 17
[[underline]] Pair-formation [[/underline]] ? Comment; 17
[[underline]] LWS [[/underline]] Description; 15, 17, 18, 20, 21. Sketch accompanying posture; 22. By Trinidad birds; 61,62.
[[underline]] SWS[[/underline]] Description; 20.
[[underline]] Copulation[[/underline]] Description 16,17 Sketch soliciting posture; 16.
[[underline]] Head Forward a 33 Call[[/underline]] By juvenile?;18.