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[[upper right hand corner]] 
[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Saltator, [[/underlined]] Mar. 16, 1958, II

[[red and grey hatch marks run along left page margin]]

in any definite synchronous or antiphonal manner. Then the first bird flew away, and the second did so a little later.  Was this a pair?
Both species look rather [[underlined]] Thraupis [[/underlined]]-like; except for the fact that they sit very upright (i.e. more Cardinal or Blue-black Grosbeak-like, I think). [[underlined]] Very little flicking of any kind. [[/underlined]] As far as I know, none of the birds I have seen today (including this afternoon--see below) have done any WF’s. One of the Streaked Saltators I saw this afternoon did a very few TF's, all very slight, and apparently U-D. (This is particularly surprising in view of the fact that several birds I have watched have been apparently "nervous" of me, looking at me intently, and flying off as soon as I move toward them.)
A Streaked we flushed this afternoon, immediately flew to the top of a tall bare tree, landing with 3 or 4 "chuck"-like CN's which sounded quite remarkably like some of the "landing" CN's of Palm Tanagers in some circumstances. 

Saltator, I. 

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March 14, 1958

Flushed another Streaked from low shrubbery this afternoon, and the bird hopped around in the nearly bushes uttering quite a lot of sharp, thin, "Tsit" Notes--obviously AlCN's. Eventually the bird flew up into a nearly tree and uttered "chuck" Notes (like those described above, yesterday) as it came into land. The "Tsit" and "Cluck" Notes seemed 

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