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[[red and black lines in margin]]

Saltator, Apr.1, 1958, II 
[[circled]] 7 [[/circled]]

This Streaked is certainly very aggressive Much more so than the Buff-throat.
Every time the Buff-throat landed beside the Streaked this afternoon, the latter would turn toward the Buff-throat, lower its head + stretch the neck forward (this looked rather like an unritualized version of the FGfluff of the Pico Gordos or the C of the Sangre de Toros- without any fluffing) and utter HAC Notes (sometimes preceded by momentary G's, and accompanied by jabbing pecking int. movs.)
These HAC Notes may have been relatively low intensity Anyhow, they were slightly softer and much less urgent sounding than H Scr Notes.
[[underline]] Saltator, [[/underline]] I
April 2, 1958
Barro Colorado
 The Buff-throat had remained outside the ground shrubbery all day, so I guess it is settling down.
This bird has also turned out to be quite aggressive Time and again it has pecked at the Yellow-rumped Tanager which it often perches beside. Some of these attacks have been real "pecking bouts"; the Buff-throat standing more or less erect and delivering a real hail of downward pecks upon the poor tanager (who usually retreats fairly soon) The most surprising thing is that [[underline]] all these attacks + aggressive acts have been completely silent! [[/underline]] No sign of  H Scr!! (And these are certainly the circumstances in which the Streaked would be uttering many H Scr notes.)