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[[red pencil lines in margin]]

[[underline]] Saltator [[/underline]], I

8 [[circled in top right corner]]

April 6, 1958
Barro Colorado

    I caught another Buff-throat near K-6 the other day Banded yellow left and let loose in the aviary.
    The other Buff-throat has been very hostile to the newcomer. Every time the newcomer comes near the old bird flies or rushes toward it in a supplanting attack, and the newcomer retreats immediately. All quite unritualized. No sounds.

[[underline]] Saltator [[/underline]], I

April 7, 1958

    An apparent dispute between 2 Buff-throats near here this morning. One bird advancing in short flights, the other retreating the same way. No apparently ritualized postures or movements, but both birds uttering calls which I shall term "Rattle-peeps" (RP) from time to time during the encounter. Each RP divided into 2 parts. First a series of short hard notes (most frequently 3, I think, but sometimes more), followed by a more or less plaintive melodious whistle-like note (also not very long, but much longer than any of the preceding notes)

[[three short thick dashes followed by one long, slightly upward-curved dash]]

    This looked rather like a territorial boundary dispute, as the pursuer eventually turned away and went back in the direction he came from.
    I wonder if this is a variant of the WS I heard on March 16??? I certainly think so.