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[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underlined]], Apr. 28, 1958, II. [[circled]] 13 [[/circled]]
[[red and black vertical lines in margin]]

strong escape component in these notes.  Some of the birds sometimes seem to utter very similar notes which are just a little sharper; and it is possible that these are even more alarm AlCN's, produced by a relatively even stronger escape drive.  One bird near me gave a few soft warbles (!) interspersed among a lot of "Wheet" Notes of the less sharp type!!

[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underlined]], I May 2, 1958 Frijoles

A single Streaked, sitting on a bare limb at the top of a tree, gave WS after WS this afternoon while I was waiting for the train  Each WS was essentially identical with the one outlined on the top of page 11, Apr. 10.  Presumably the same bird. Some WS's were followed by additional __ __ notes. Occasionally WS's were repeated without a break between phrases. Also occasionally the  bird uttered long series of notes comme ca: -- __ -- __ -- __ -- __ [[under each of the lower lines is drawn a wavy line]]

[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underlined]], I June 29, 1958 Frijoles

While I was watching Grassquits and Seed-eaters this morning, I noticed, vaguely that a pair of Streaked Saltators was flying about excitedly Uttering quite a lot of "Chuck" Notes, (almost a