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[[circled]] 16 [[/circled]]

[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underlined]], Dec. 15, 1958, II 

[[blue lines in margin]]

    And he is apparently mated. I was watching one bird sitting high on an exposed perch, preening itself, when its mate flew in. The flying bird started to give rather rapid "Kaa kaa kaa kaa kaa kaa…" or " Kauh kauh kauh kauh…." Notes as it came in, starting at least 5 ft away. The perching bird started to give the same notes. The flying bird landed beside the perching bird; and both continued to give more of the same notes, while they sat almost side by side. Their notes were really rather hoarse in quality. I am almost certain that [[underlined]] they are strictly homologous with the GHAC of the green barbed Sparrow [[/underlined]], and I shall call them by the same name. The sitting birds gave them from absolutely unritualized sitting postures, the bill opening & closing in rhythm with the notes. Then they gradually relaxed, stopped calling, both started to preen, and then they both flew off together.

    Well! Well! Well! ♀ Saltator lands on perch by herself. Stands there a few seconds, looking rather nervous. Utters an occasional loud, metallic CN-type note. Might be transcribed as "Auh". Then suddenly assumes St Posture with Q. Very extreme. Wings out and partly drooped during the Q. Head & bill nearly vertical. Tail diagonally raised to a very extreme degree. Probably not spread to any great extent. Breast lowered very far. Breast & especially belly feathers very [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] ruffled. Tail apparently not quivered at all. As the ♀ went down into this posture she uttered about 4 or 5 GHAC Notes, and then

[[Image-drawing of bird with following notation: Tail probably even more raised!]]