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[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underline]],Dec. 20, 1958, II.  [[circled]] 19

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left side. Blue hatch marks=Greyish (coerulescens) see Transcription pg60/pg15 Dec 14 1958]]

series of soft, hoarse, wheezy notes, each of which might be transcribed as “Whaaaah” or “Rhaaaanh”.  The bill was kept wide open throughout a single series of several notes; and the bird tended to assume a low forward posture during the call. The most peculiar feature of this performance was that it didn’t include the slightest trace of Q!

[[underlined]] Saltator [[/underline]], I  December 23, 1958 Iquitos

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left side. Blue hatch marks=Greyish (coerulescens) see Transcription pg60/pg15 Dec 14 1958]]

     Watching a pair of these Gray Saltators moving around from tree to tree together Did lots of mutual displaying. Coming into a perch, the in the lead would usually give about 3 CN's as it landed.  Then would stand a second until the second bird landed beside it.  Then both would do a burst of GHAC. In apparently unritualized posture sitting erect as usual, head & bill apparently inclined obliquely upward a little. (They also did a lot of nervous-looking side-to-side turning of the head during this, but these movements might have been provoked by my presence.) Then they would sit quietly near (about 6" apart) one another for a second or so; then, still sitting together, they would do another burst of mutual display, GHAC (and CN's-see below); fall silent again; then do another burst of mutual display, GHAC etc., while they still sat together; then fall silent again; etc. etc. etc; until finally one bird would fly off to another perch, the second would follow, and the whole process would be repeated again.
    During some of these bouts of what I presume were mutual GHAC one or both birds uttered a few CN's of the usual metallic type. It is even