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[[Underlined]] Saltator [[Underlined]], Dec. 24,1958,II [[circled]] 22 [[/circled]]

between as well as during phrases.
[[image - sketch of bird]] (Quite a good drawing this!)
I have now seen more "mutual displaying" between mates, more or less like yesterday. The [[female symbol♀]] landed in a tree, and the [[male symbol♂]] eventually joined her. They both did GHAC as and after he came in to land. Then sat side by side for a second, in normal sitting postures. Then the [[male symbol♂]] began LWS, the [[female symbol♀]] immediately started GHAC, the [[male symbol♂]] immediately stopped LWS and began to do GHAC too, they did GHAC together for a second, then shut up and sat silent for a few seconds. Then the [[male symbol♂]] began LWS again, the [[female symbol♀]] began GHAC before he had finished the third note of the LWS, he stopped LWS and continued GHAC, they both did GHAC for a couple of seconds, then shut up. This whole procedure was repeated at least 5 times.  This behavior would certainly suggest that the [[female symbol♀]] "uses" GHAC to suppress song (and/or cop. attempts?) by the [[male symbol♂]]. This would suggest that the GHAC contains a hostile component - as its actual sound would certainly suggest also. (But I must add that I have never seen the birds make attack [[int. moves?]] during GHAC. Except during the one copulation attempt I saw, they have just sat, usually looking toward or facing one another, in apparently quite unritualized sitting postures.)