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[[Underlined]]Saltator[[Underlined]], Apr 21,1960,I [[upper right corner, 35]]

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left side.Red hatch marks=Buff-throated (maximus) see  Trascription pg46/pg1 May 16 1958]]

[[image-A diagram shows the following: line beginning flat then upsloping, underneath "Tseweeeeee" two short lines lower followed by a third short line placed even lower, underneath "tub tub tub" underneath tub tub tub is written: Wbl; a long line which slopes slightly upwards at first, and then down, underneath "Tsewoooooo"]]

See Note
(In some cases, at least there were more notes in the Wbl part of the phrase. At least 5 first a doublet and then a triplet.) The whole thing was quite remarkably reminiscent of the Black-cap. None of the phrases appeared to provoke any response from any other bird, and the singer eventually flew off.

[[Underlined]]Saltator[[Underlined]],I Apr 28,1960 Frijoles

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left side.Green Hatch marks=Black headed (atriceps) see Transcription pg69/pg24 Dec 30 1958]]

Watching an apparently single Black-cap near the RR station this morning. Sitting high in a tree by itself in a completely unritualized posture. Uttering alternate NSN's and CHN's [[underlined]] almost steadily for minutes on end[[underlined]]!!! Bill opening + closing with each note. The alternation of these 2 types of notes was really quite exceptionally regular. The only irregularity was the occasional interjection of a single extra CHN.

[[image-there is the following diagram: -_-_-_-_ _-_

This whole performance was apparently identical with the performance of the bird described above on July 7 1959. These long series of alternate notes must be a regular component of the display repertory of this species.
I was again reminded of the "Whit-chu"s of the Green-backed Sparrow when I heard this Saltator the resemblance was increased by the rhythm of the alternating notes of the Saltator which w