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[[Underlined]]Saltator[[Underlined]], May 6,1960,IV [[upper right corner, 39]]

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left hatch marks=Buff-throated (maximus) see  Trascription pg46/pg1 May 16 1958]]

[[image-drawing of a bird with arrows pointed towards the areas described in the writing below.]]

StGHff Notice shape of head. Small-headed in appearance Notice "Frontal Shield"

(The way in which the white eyebrows are so conspicuous in these GHff postures-it is possible that the white feathers are even raised-while the back crown is also covered or hidden-is very reminiscent of the display of the yellow forehead feathers, and the hiding of the dark cover feathers in the GHff patterns of the [[Rio Gordo?]].)
While the Yellow ♂ was performing these patterns; he faced the Red newcomer almost directly.When the Yellow ♂ began to perform supplanting attack after supplanting attack upon Red, trying to peck Red whenever he got close enough, and succeeding not infrequently. Red tried to escape without any defense in most cases. Every once in a while Yellow would interrupt his attacks to perform more GHff patterns. Usually ftGHff, with little or no "bowing" and/or FGHff. Some of his ftGHff's in the intervals of attacking may have been were more extreme than the ftGHff's before Yellow began to attack. (Actually, any drawings of the ftGHff is primarily based upon postures between attacks).
Both birds were silent durring almost all this attacking + escaping. I did, however, hear one "Whew" Note and one brief Wbl in the middle of the excitement. Probably uttered by Yellow. The rarity of "Wh