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[[Underlined]]Saltator[[Underlined]], Apr 4,1961,III [[upper right corner, 51]]

[[Hatch marks indicating the following species are along the left side. Red hatch marks=Buff-throated (maximus) see  Trascription pg46/pg1 May 16 1958]]

I heard single "Feeet" Notes from time to time during the dispute this morning. Usually or always, I think, when the birds were flying. But I couldn't determine who uttered them or why.
There were no real FGHff or ftGHff or Submissive Ruffle+G patterns during the dispute this morning. It was obvious that the more aggressive bird during the dispute this morning was relatively less aggressive than the Yellow bird during the dispute observed on May 6, 1960 ([[side?]] the CR).

[[Underlined]]Saltator[[Underlined]],I May 30,1961 Frijoles

I saw a few interesting reactions by saltators near the RR station this morning.
One Buff-throat, sitting by itself, on a high exposed perch, singing a slightly distinctive "dawn song" around 6:17.

[[image-bird drawing with arrows pointed at areas referenced in the captions]]

[[captions: In posture more or less comme ca. Neck [[underlined]]not[[underlined]] stretched up.; possibly a low intensity posture?; I am not quite sure of the position of the wings. Almost certainly drooped to some extent.]]